Saturday, December 18, 2010

thank goodness

I am happy that my ancestors came to america on a boat a long time ago, they surely would have been turned away with no hope of getting to this country to better their, and subsequently, my life.

It's hard to say if immigration is a bad thing. I don't know why the land of the free has to be a exclusive club all the time though. Even with its own people, the system puts away anybody for what? The fun of it?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Too Much Stuff

I really enjoy looking at all the little trinkets I have all over my space, but watching American Pickers on the History Channel is making think about getting rid of things. It seems like these old guys who own a barn full of stuff sometimes have a rough time getting rid of their junk. It is very entertaining to watch, however when you need to crawl over a box of stuff to get into bed at night, you better be careful. I think if you have a shelf, and everything fits on the shelf, then your fine, but look out for the Boxes that have no place to go, but on top of the last box. YIKES!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


On a lighter note

Be Careful

Just incase you are planning on trying to get a job with the federal government, students who read WikiLeaks may be at risk of being unemployable for there quest at knowledge.

I find this greatly disappointing. Hasn't this happened before? Okay, so "that's what the Nazi's did" thing is a little lame to do but, come on they were Nazi's!

On another note, I think I may know where you can go to learn more about becoming Republican.

My gay Lowes experience

My company, Deluxe Design, has been going through a lot of changes. We are cleaning, reorganizing, updating our production layout, remodeling the show room, etc. I have taken the lead on many of the project, mostly because I love to build things and do, other than the usual. I have the honor of straightening the very crowded poster archive. these meant a trip to Lowes to buy a bunch of lumber and some other things we need. After doing a bunch of heavy lifting at one end loading up some lumber, I left the cart to find the rest of the list at the other end of the store.

My friend Nick who bought a house a year ago has been doing a bunch of work lately on his house and I said we should check out the kitchen area. Making a couple remarks implying we were looking "together" I reached to open a wine cooler as Nick said, "we could use one of those for when we have guest."

To which I replied proud and loud, "You mean for the big gay orgies we host?" as we turned the corner and some macho men were standing. As I looked down and noticed the half dozen rubber gloves I was carrying, I burst into laughter and blushed all the way across the store.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Just a Thought

There has been a whole lot of talk about WikiLeaks recently. From Amazon dropping the site from their servers, to PayPal no longer allowing donations to help fund the site. The most recent incident to occur is the denial of payments to Wikileak with the use of a Mastercard.

I feel like the obvious display of large corporations going about the destruction of a bias-free press, with the interest of exposing what is happening that the afternoon gibberish on your local news station will not tell you, is a whole lot of horse shit.

If you want to keep an honest person honest, you don't leave a pile of cash in front of them right?

So shouldn't we make the government transparent so that they don't try to pull anything? The laws that get passed all the time because nobody is willing to talk about them is ludicrous. Things are so backwards on capitol hill and I don't understand how we can put up with the news talking about how a group of girl scouts raised money for a non profit and another person was shot in the ghetto. Yeah I get that. Be responsible members of the press. Refuse to show slander political ads. Talk about the truth. You know, do your job!